Join the Adventure as Captain Jonozia Lex and the crew of the USS Argus defend the Federation from the overwhelming threat of the Dominion and explore the mysteries of the universe beyond.
-- Chapter 20 posted of Nuclear Time
-- Chapter 19 posted of Nuclear Time
-- Chapter 18 posted of Nuclear Time
-- Chapter 17 posted of Nuclear Time
-- Chapter 16 posted of Nuclear Time
-- Chapters 14 & 15 added of Nuclear Time
-- Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 added of Nuclear Time
-- Chapters 5, 6 & 7 added of Nuclear Time
-- Chapters 3 & 4 added of Nuclear Time
-- Chapters 1 & 2 added of Nuclear Time
-- New Story Begun - "Nuclear Time"
-- Forum added at Trek Writers Guild
Trapped in Earth's past, Captain Lex and the surviving crew of the USS Defender must try to survive a nuclear holocaust that will kill millions while ensuring history runs its course. Back in the 24th Century, Commander Patel and the crew of the USS Argus investigate a three hundred year old ship that appears to be the source of a mysterious signal.